Another design that never saw the light of day - The Mother Ship by Douglas Maxwell is its first incarnation. This design was the original version, that wasn't able to be realised but I am still very fond of it. Sliding panels in a two-dimensional world - inspired by You Tube, adverts and current trends in illustration. There was a self-operating projection screen for the main character, involving miniature versions of the characters within the play who had big space adventures in tiny.
designs that never happened 02
Another design that never saw the light of day - The Mother Ship by Douglas Maxwell is its first incarnation. This design was the original version, that wasn't able to be realised but I am still very fond of it. Sliding panels in a two-dimensional world - inspired by You Tube, adverts and current trends in illustration. There was a self-operating projection screen for the main character, involving miniature versions of the characters within the play who had big space adventures in tiny.